non toxic candles

Non-Toxic Candles

Flickering flames and captivating scents – candles have long held a special place in our homes, creating ambiance, relaxation, and moments of connection. But did you know that traditional candles may harbour hidden dangers? In the past, practices like using lead wicks or incorporating harmful chemicals posed serious health risks. Thankfully, with growing awareness and stricter regulations, non-toxic candles are now readily available, allowing you to enjoy the warm glow and delightful aromas without compromise.
Prior to 2003, lead wicks were commonly used in candles, extending burn time but releasing harmful toxins into the air we breathe. These toxins could accumulate in the body, potentially causing damage to the liver, lungs, and nervous system, especially for vulnerable populations like children and pregnant women. Additionally, certain fragrances and other chemicals used in conventional candles could trigger allergies, irritate eyes and airways, and contribute to indoor air pollution.

The Past of Non-Toxic Candles

1. Lead-Laden Wicks: A Myth Debunked
Remember warnings about lead-core wicks releasing harmful chemicals? Fear not! Lead wicks were outlawed in the US in 2003, and major candle associations voluntarily stopped using them even earlier. Today's candles predominantly use safe alternatives like cotton or wood. To ease your mind, simply rub the unlit wick on paper. No gray mark? You're good to go!
2. Wax Woes? Not Quite.
Claims about harmful chemicals released from burning wax often cite a single, questionable study. Extensive research sponsored by the National Candle Association (NCA) found that paraffin, soy, and other common waxes emit primarily carbon dioxide, water, and fragrance (in scented candles). Independent European studies confirm this, concluding that all major waxes burn similarly and produce safe byproducts.
3. Fragrance: Friend or Foe?
The enticing scents in candles come from IFRA-compliant fragrances, ensuring safety for human use. However, for individuals with asthma or other respiratory sensitivities, even safe fragrances can trigger issues. The American Lung Association suggests avoiding scented products altogether for these vulnerable populations.
4. Particulate Matter and VOCs: Separating Fact from Fiction
Candles do emit particulate matter (PM) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), but the concern lies in the extent and context. Compared to outdoor air pollution or even cooking indoors, the levels released by candles are miniscule. The key takeaway? Enjoy candles in moderation and ensure proper ventilation, not just for humans but for our furry friends too.
Remember: While scented candles are generally safe, responsible use is key. Prioritize natural waxes, choose fragrances wisely, and burn candles for no more than 4 hours per session. By understanding the facts, you can embrace the warm glow and delightful aromas of candles without unnecessary worry.

Embrace the Light, Breathe with Ease:

At Angel Lights Co., we prioritize your well-being and the environment, creating exclusively non-toxic candles for a guilt-free sensory experience. We understand the desire for long-lasting fragrance and vibrant flames, but we achieve this through meticulous craftsmanship and responsible sourcing. Here's what sets our candles apart:
Clean-Burning Wicks: We proudly use lead-free, natural wicks crafted from cotton ensuring a clear and healthy burn. No harmful toxins are released into the air, allowing you to breathe easily and savour the pure fragrance.
Natural Waxes: Our candles are formulated with premium soy and cocosoy wax renowned for their clean burning properties and minimal soot production. Unlike paraffin wax, a petroleum by-product found in many conventional candles, these natural alternatives burn cleaner and release significantly fewer pollutants.
Essential Oil Fragrances: We infuse our candles with triple-scented fragranced oils designed especially to infuse with soy wax and pure essential oils, sourced ethically and sustainably. These natural botanical extracts provide authentic, therapeutic aromas without the synthetic fragrances and harmful chemicals often found in conventional candles.
Sustainable Practices: We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact. Our candles come in recyclable or reusable containers, and we use eco-friendly packaging materials whenever possible.
Invest in Your Well-being and Surroundings:
Choosing non-toxic candles is an investment in your health, the environment, and a more mindful lifestyle. At Angel Lights Co., we offer a diverse collection of beautifully crafted, non-toxic candles to suit your every mood and desire. Browse our selection and discover the difference – experience the joy of flickering flames and captivating scents, knowing you're breathing easy and creating a healthier, more sustainable space.

How to Choose Non-Toxic Candles?

The warm glow and alluring scents of candles evoke a sense of serenity, but what if those very elements harbour hidden health risks? Navigating the world of non-toxic candles can feel overwhelming, but fear not! Here's a simplified guide to choosing candles that prioritize your well-being and the environment:

1. Fragrance Source: Demystifying the "Mystery Ingredient"

While "fragrance" on a label might sound innocuous, it can encompass thousands of chemicals, both natural and synthetic. While some synthetic ingredients raise concerns due to potential health risks, others are chemically identical to their natural counterparts and equally safe. The key lies in choosing brands committed to transparency and using responsibly sourced ingredients, whether natural or synthetic.

2. Waxing Poetic: Beyond the Paraffin Myth

Paraffin wax, derived from petroleum, has been linked to health concerns, prompting many to seek alternatives. Plant-based waxes like soy, coconut, and beeswax offer a more natural and sustainable option, but be mindful of "greenwashing." Look for brands that prioritize high wax content and avoid misleading labels like "soy-based" for minimal soy wax inclusion.

3. Wick Wisdom: Opting for Safety and Sustainability

Lead wicks were thankfully banned years ago, but vigilance remains crucial. Choose wicks made from natural materials like cotton or wood. Avoid metal cores, which may not be readily apparent, and opt for brands that prioritize sustainable wick materials and ethical sourcing.
Remember, choosing non-toxic candles goes beyond just avoiding harmful ingredients. Look for brands that prioritize transparency, responsibly sourced materials, and sustainable practices. By understanding these key factors, you can illuminate your home with candles that are as good for you as they are for the environment.

What are safer alternatives to traditional candles?

Candles made with natural waxes: Soy, vegetable, and beeswax candles burn cleaner and release fewer pollutants. Look for labels specifying the wax type.
Unscented candles: If you're sensitive to synthetic fragrances, opt for unscented candles made with natural soy waxes.
Diffusing essential oils: This allows you to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy without the potential health risks of burning candles.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What is the most natural Candle Wax?

Most natural candle waxes are coconut wax, beeswax, and soy wax. At Angel Lights all the candles are made of natural wax as we are transparent with our manufacture, you can easily notice it here.

What is the healthiest candle to burn?

For your health and the environment, soy, and coconut wax candles are generally the best choice. They burn cleaner and more safely than other options. While beeswax candles also burn clean,  harvesting too much of the beeswax can harm bee populations, which isn't good for the planet.

What is the cleanest candle wax to burn?

The beeswax is the cleanest burning candle wax. It's made by bees when they make honey, so it's natural and good for the environment. Unlike other candles, beeswax burns slowly and won't fill your room with smoke or soot. It even has a light, sweet scent that some people think cleans the air!